Parish Links

We have very close links with Our Lady of the Holy Souls parish church.

At the beginning of September this year, we said a sad goodbye to Father Philip, who has moved onto another parish.  We will greatly miss him and wish him the very best in his future service.

However, we have also welcomed a new parish priest, Father Damian Ryan, as our new school chaplain. Father Damian has quickly established links with the school and started regular visits the school to see the children during assemblies and lessons. He has started his visits to our Nursery and Reception classes to read the Bible our youngest pupils. Father Damian celebrates school Masses regularly and welcomes individual classes for the Class Mass weekly.

You can find out more information on the Our Lady of the Holy Souls website.

Links with the Diocese of Westminster

We have close links with the Diocese of Westminster and take every opportunity to join in diocesan events and services and we work closely together with other schools in our RBKC deanery.