"The commitment and contribution to the Common Good and social justice are outstanding. Pupils are extremely proud of their school and are able to describe their responsibility to the wider community. The overall commitment and contribution to the Common Good and social justice are outstanding. Pupils are extremely proud of their school and are able to describe their responsibility to the wider community." 

- Section 48 Inspection

Catholic Social Teaching is based on the belief that God has a plan for His Creation, a plan to build his kingdom of peace, love and justice. We believe that God has a special place in the Creation for each and every one of us.

We all have to play out part in God’s plan. Our part in this plan it involves every aspect of our lives, from the things we pray about, to how we live as responsible global citizens. We are all called to live and work for the common good; we are called to treat everyone as brothers and sisters, sharing this wonderful world, our common home.

At St Mary’s our Mission Statement ‘Learning Together in Faith and Love’ is underpinned by our school Values and Golden Rules, derived from Jesus’ message to us all: "In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you..." Matthew (7:12).

"Pupils’ understanding of the call to human flourishing is embedded and pupils can demonstrate this in discussion about their stewardship and responsibilities as young Catholics"

- Section 48 Inspection

Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

Watch this short video, which explains it in an easy to understand way. 

The principle of Dignity of the Human Person - we know that everyone is important and valuable: no one is better than anyone else.

The principle of the Common Good - we work together so that our community is good for everyone to live in.

The principle of Preferential option for the Poor - we share what we have so that everyone gets some; we make sure the people who have the least get served first.

The principles of Subsidiarity and Participation - we make sure everyone gets a chance to talk about decisions. We make sure we include those who will be most affected by any decision.

The principle of Stewardship - Care of our common home. We remember that the world is everyone’s home (even those people who have not been born yet!) and so we do not mess it up.

The principle of Solidarity - we stick together, and when we find that people are not being treated well or are being taken advantage of, we work to make it fair for them.